How to Create a Google Business Profile

How to Create a Google Business Profile

How to create a Google Business Profile Objective: Follow the process below to build out your business profile.    Step 1: Start by going to Be sure to bookmark this address, as you’ll need it to access your Google Business Profile listing in...

19 Best Practices to Grow Your Townsite

19 Best Practices to Grow Your Townsite

Top 19 Best Practices to Grow Your Townsite 1. Add contacts to your digital newsletter: Utilize the geo-targeted leads provided by your Townsite service to identify potential clients in your local area. Regularly add these contacts to your digital newsletter to keep...

Leveraging Your Local Chamber of Commerce

Leveraging Your Local Chamber of Commerce

Connecting with the local chamber of commerce and leveraging Townsite offers unique benefits for both your business and the chamber. Here are strategies that highlight the advantages of TownSites and how they can tie into the chamber of commerce:  1. Showcase Chamber...

Where to Find Your TownSites Community Partners

Where to Find Your TownSites Community Partners

Here is a list of great Community Partners for your Townsite:   1. Mortgage Brokers/Lenders: Mortgage brokers and lenders are in constant contact with potential homebuyers who need assistance in securing a mortgage. Enough said here. 2. Title Companies: By...

Bringing Your Community Partners On Board

Bringing Your Community Partners On Board

11 Tips to Help You Find Local Community Businesses to Interview for Your Townsite:    Remember, when reaching out to local businesses, be clear about your intentions, explain the benefits of the interview, and respect their time and privacy. Building genuine...

Marketing Handouts and Digital Materials

Marketing Handouts and Digital Materials

Establishing Community Partnerships with Local Professionals: Digital Handouts and 6 Emails That Will Get Results Handouts: 6 Reasons to be a Community Partner 6 Reasons to be a Community Partner (2) RESPA COMPLIANT OPINION LETTER MEMORANDUM Emails: 1. Subject: Boost...