Bringing Your Community Partners On Board

11 Tips to Help You Find Local Community Businesses to Interview for Your Townsite: 


Remember, when reaching out to local businesses, be clear about your intentions, explain the benefits of the interview, and respect their time and privacy. Building genuine connections and relationships with local businesses will increase your chances of finding willing participants for interviews.


  • Check the business section tab on your Townsite website for a list of all businesses in your community. 


  • Research local directories: Look for online directories specific to your community or region. These directories often list businesses and provide contact information that you can use to reach out for an interview. 


  • Attend community events: Participate in local events such as fairs, festivals, or networking gatherings. These events are an excellent opportunity to meet business owners and establish connections for potential interviews. 


  • Utilize social media: Leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to search for local businesses. Join community groups or forums where business owners might be active and post a call for interviews. 


  • Collaborate with local organizations: Reach out to local business associations, chambers of commerce, or economic development organizations. These organizations often have connections with businesses in the community and can provide recommendations for potential interviews. 


  • Engage with local newspapers or magazines: Check out local newspapers or magazines that cover business or community news. They may have featured articles or business profiles that can serve as inspiration or lead to potential interviewees. 


  • Seek referrals from your network: Tap into your personal and professional network and ask for referrals. Friends, colleagues, or acquaintances may know local business owners who would be interested in being interviewed for your website. 


  • Use online review platforms: Explore online review platforms such as Yelp or Google My Business. Look for highly rated local businesses in your community and reach out to them through their contact information or messaging options. 


  • Visit local markets and shops: Spend time visiting local markets, shops, or boutiques in your community. Strike up conversations with the owners or managers, express your interest in their business, and inquire about the possibility of an interview. 


  • Utilize local hashtags: Search for local hashtags related to businesses or your community on platforms like Instagram or Twitter. This method can help you discover local businesses actively promoting their products or services online. 


  • Advertise your intention: Create a section on your website explicitly dedicated to inviting local businesses for interviews. Make sure to include a clear call to action, explaining the benefits of being featured on your website, and provide a contact form or email address for interested businesses to reach out to you.