Features and Pricing

Congrats—your community is available.
Reserve it now!

Listed below is everything you get with a single TownSites subscription.

What we build for you

Your TownSite

A one-of-a-kind website that boosts your local influence in a way no other site can.
Choose a community and receive a professionally crafted, always-up-to-date website overflowing with hyper-local content.

  • Latest news and updates
  • Local business directories
  • Events and happenings
  • Social media updates
  • Local deals and promotions
  • Your home listings
  • An abundance of generation tools: A home valuation calculator, newsletter opt-in forms, social sharing, exit intent popups, and more

Facebook Community Page

We build you an interactive community page that is tied into your TownSite.  Everything that is auto posted by our staff automatically syndicates to your TownSite which helps you build up your social following. We do this with engaging posts and interesting articles. The best part is you own this page and create leverage in your community as you gain 1000’s of likes and followers.

Instagram Business Page

We help you build this to establish the same engagement and followers on a Instagram. We also provide you with weekly Instagram Reel templates and ideas to make you the local go-to professional.

Community YouTube Channel

This is where we publish all of your local videos, interviews and shorts. As your library builds over the months you will create a legitimate YouTube Strategy for your business that is focused on your community.

What we do for you

Your Ghostwriter

We write complete engaging content articles about pertinent current events happening in your local community and we give you kudos as the author. This creates and builds an indexed blog that’s tied into your TownSite and works to bolster your search engine ranking on Google.

Your Local Community Social Media Manager

Our staff posts for you on your Community Facebook page and Instagram feed, delivering engaging content that is relevant to both your community and your profession. We do this from our moderated accounts.

Your Video Author and Editor

TownSites provides complete scripting, video editing and publishing for all your online videos—simply shoot the footage and we do the rest. We’ll publish the completed videos to Facebook and YouTube.

Your Digital Community Email Marketer

Your TownSite sends out a weekly digital newsletter composed of content articles, social media posts and local community updates. It is all done automatically without you having to lift a finger—beautiful, optimized and branded to match your TownSite.

Your Lead Provider

We start the building process of your mailing list for you: In addition to your current database, new geotarged leads are regularly uploaded to your digital e-newsletter. 200-1000 scrubbed contacts of homeowners in your community that are likely to sell in next 12-24 months are added to your mailing list each month.

Your Personal Ad Agency

Optionally, we can boost the reach of all of the above via a specialized ad retargeting campaign, set up on your behalf with a monthly budget of your choice. We don’t take a cut of your ad spend.

What we teach you

Community Business Partner Training

Learn how to build a referral network of Professional Community Partners and integrate them into your TownSite to crush your referral business. (Divorce Attorney, Financial Planner, Estate Planner, Probate, etc.)

Video & Instagram Coaching

Weekly Coaching from Social Media Video Experts and best practices for success.